S. Korean president arrested in residence over martial law imposition

SEOUL — South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol was arrested in presidential residence Wednesday, becoming the country’s first sitting president to be kept in custody over his short-lived martial law imposition.

A joint investigation unit, composed of the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials (CIO), the National Office of Investigation (NOI), and the defense ministry’s investigative headquarters, said in a short notice that Yoon was arrested at 10:33 a.m. local time (0133 GMT).

TV footage showed vehicles carrying arrested Yoon moved out of the residence in central Seoul for questioning at the CIO office in Gwacheon, just south of Seoul, before being detained at the Seoul Detention Center in Uiwang, just 5 km away from the office.

The CIO will be required to decide within 48 hours whether to seek a separate warrant to detain Yoon for up to 20 days for further questioning or release him.

Yoon became the first incumbent president to be arrested in the country’s modern history.

